NURS 365/375 - Essentials of Professional Nursing Practice II

Introduction - Read This Box!

Finding research materials to complete assignments for nursing courses can sometimes be challenging, but nursing students are up to the challenge!

Follow each step below and use the instructions and resources on this page to help you find materials to complete your research assignments.

View the sample search in Box #5 at the bottom of this page. 

Step #1 - Read the Rubric

Read the rubric for your assignment(s) so you know what type of research you are expected to find for your particular assignment(s).

Step #2 - Do NOT Check the Box to Link Full Text...Ever!

This is very important! 

When you are searching any database from the Halle Library, e.g., CINAHLDO NOT CHECK the Linked to Full Text boxes ever. Doing this inhibits the green Find Text+ icon from accessing all of the full text materials that are available to you and greatly limits your search results.

To see if or how the Halle Library owns a journal, use the FindText+  icon. It can look like this  External Link Icon.

or this    

Instructions for doing this can be found here:

Step #3 - Common Keyword Search Strings

Combine the search strings below with your research topic to locate article citations that discuss the topic's advantages or disadvantages, pros and cons, etc.. 

When reviewing the results of your search, you may find you have to eliminate certain words from these search strings because they are retrieving citations that are not on target with your topic. 

Copy & paste and change these search strings as needed. 

See Box #5 for a complete sample search strategy.

Keywords to Use for the concept of Advantages/Pros:  pro or pros or advantage* or benefit* or positive*
Keywords to Use for the concept of Disadvantages/Cons con or cons or disadvantage* or risk* or challenge* or error*


Keywords for the concept of mandate compulsory or mandat* or requir* 
Keywords for the concept of autonomy autonomy or prefer* or belie* or right* 
Keywords for the concept of nurses nurse* or "nursing staff*" or "registered nurse*" or rn* 


Box #5 - Sample Search

First Search Attempt 

Copy & paste the keyword search strings or type them in the into the boxes.

DO NOT check the Linked Full Text box.  

Check the boxes underneath English Language and Scholarly (Peer Reviewed) Journals. Add a date range into the Publication Date boxes, if desired. 

Second Search Attempt with a Change

The first search attempt produced too many results.

In order to narrow down the results, an additional box was added to the search strategy. This was done by clicking on the  +  sign located to the lower right side of the third search box.

Depending on the topic, the fourth search box may not always be necessary. 

Cited Reference Searching

Still looking for more resources?

Try using the cited reference searching technique!

Instructions are linked here