This page contains links to engineering-specific databases and relevant multi-disciplinary databases. All EMU Library databases can be found here:
Access to current mobility engineering resources from the Society of Automotive Engineers. Includes SAE Technical Papers, SAE E-Books, SAE E-Journals, SAE Research Reports and SAE Standards.
To customize, you must register to access SAE Mobilus Dashboard.
Search instructions: 1. Enter search terms 2. Select My Access filter to limit search to subscribed content only.
Access Tips: Access to SAE content is provided courtesy of the GameAbove College of Engineering and Technology.
Search the library’s collection of books, articles, ebooks, dissertations, videos, music, and more, from an advanced interface that provides structured search options.
NOTE: If you use the Boolean operator OR to search for synonyms, it must be in ALL CAPS, e.g.,
teenagers OR adolescents OR "high school students"