SPGN 390

Finding and Citing Reviews of Educational and Psychological Tests

Educational / Psychological Journal Articles

  • To search for test reviews in the ERIC (Education Resources Information Center) database and the PsycINFO database at the same time
    • Connect to the ERIC (Education Resources Information Center) database
      • Toward the top left of the screen click on  Change databases

      • On the Select Databases screen that appears, scroll down the page, leaving ERIC (1966 - current) checked, place a check next to PsycINFO (1806 - current), and click the Use selected databases button

      • If you are searching for a review of a specific test, whether it is on your professor's list of norm-referenced tests or not, for example, Asperger Syndrome Diagnostic Scale:
          • Type the test name in the first search box on the first line, surrounded by double quotes, e.g., "asperger syndrome diagnostic scale"
          • Type the word    review*    in the first search box on the second line  [NOTE: Include the asterisk]
          • On the line beginning Document type: place a check next to Article
          • On the line beginning Language: place a check next to English
          • On the line beginning Sort results by:  Relevance should be selected
          • Click the Search button

      • If you DO NOT have in mind the name of any specific test, and want to display a list of many, though not all, reviews of tests in ERIC and PsycINFO:
        • Type in the first search box on the first line the phrase       "test review*"        [NOTE: Include the quotes and the asterisk]
        • On the line beginning Document type: place a check next to Article
        • On the line beginning Language: place a check next to English
        • On the line beginning Sort results by: select Publication date (most recent first)
        • Click the Search button


Citing Journal Articles Using APA (6th ed.) Style

When a Digital Object identifier (DOI) is available, include it in the citation of both print and electronic sources. If a DOI was assigned to an article it will often appear in small print on the first page of the article. Sometimes the DOI appears in the article record in the database you searched. If a DOI does not appear in the article or in a database, you can use the CrossRef DOI Lookup Service <http://www.crossref.org/guestquery/> to search by the last name of the first author and the title of the article.

If journal issues are paginated across an entire volume, do NOT include the issue number in the citation. If each issue of a journal starts on page 1, give the issue number in parentheses immediately after the volume number. The volume number is italicized but the parenthetical issue number is not italicized.

Print or Microfilm article - No DOI available

Pearson, J. E. (1987). Test review: The Jenkins Activity Survey. Journal of Mental Health Counseling9, 220-226.

Print or Microfilm or Online article - DOI available

Bain, S. K., & Gray, R. (2008). Test reviews: Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children. Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment26, 92-101. doi:10.1177/0734282907300461

Online article - No DOI available

When there is no DOI assigned, provide the journal home page web address (URL) if you can find it. Try searching in Google for the complete journal title as a phrase (surrounded by double quotes) to locate the journal home page. Do not provide an entire URL that leads directly to article, but rather just the journal home page address.

Van Hutton, V. (1990). Test review: The California Psychological Inventory.  Journal of Counseling & Development69, 75-77. Retrieved from http://aca.metapress.com

If you cannot find the journal home page address (URL), for example, the article is published in a discontinued journal or such a page does not exist, and the online content is ONLY available in an electronic database, provide the DATABASE home or entry page URL in the place of the journal home page URL, e.g., Retrieved from http://www.jstor.org

Fawkes, D., Adajian, T., Flage, D., Hoeltzel, S., Knorpp, B., O'Meara, B., & Weber, D. (2001). Examining the exam: A critical look at the Watson-Glaser Critical Thinking Appraisal exam. Inquiry: Critical Thinking across the Disciplines, 20(4), 19-33. Retrieved from http://www.philosophyonline.org

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Kate Pittsley-Sousa
Subjects: Education