Ranks top importing companies (containerized imports). You will have to register at the site to read the article or use the Journal Finder to access JOC in databases.
Changes in food retailing market concentration at the national, State, Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA), and county levels in the United States from 1990 to 2019, using data from the National Establishment Time Series dataset.
160 country evaluations, drawn up on the basis of macroeconomic, financial and political data, are freely available. Regularly updated, they provide an estimate of the average credit risk on a country’s businesses.
This sixth edition of the highly successful The Value of a Dollar records the actual prices of thousands of items that consumers purchased from the Civil War to the present, along with facts about investment options and income opportunities.
Do keyword searches to find statistics from the United Nations on many topics including "Agriculture, Crime, Education, Employment, Energy, Environment, Health, HIV/AIDS, Human Development, Industry, Information and Communication Technology, National Accounts, Population, Refugees, Tourism, Trade, as well as the Millennium Development Goals Database.
Countries ranked by numerous factors by a London-based think tank which works "to create the pathways from poverty to prosperity, by fostering Open Economies, Inclusive Societies and Empowered People."
The Penn World Tables are the definitive source for real national accounts data. The national accounts for each country, initially in their own currencies, are adjusted using detailed price data to obtain real national accounts in a common currency (U.S. dollars) across countries. These data are used for comparing Gross Domestic Product across countries, and for research on development and growth.
The Federal Communications Commission can have statistics or reports on broadband, internet access services, wireless competition, local telephone competition, international telecommunications, etc.