MGMT 490 - Finding Industry Size & Growth Rate

Advice and resources for researching the size and growth rate of industries

Market Research Firm Web Sites

If you already found a good report in Mintel, you may want to skip links in this box. If your market is not covered by Mintel (such as industrial products), then "gleaning" a little info from these sites can be useful. Warning: You can't get the full reports, so looking at these sites can be a little frustrating!

Although EMU does not have a subscription for reports from the firms listed below, you can sometimes gather useful info on market research firm sites. Sometimes press releases or report brochures/summaries offer trend info or key data, such as market size. Browsing a report table of contents can give you ideas on competitors, global issues, and new products, or other aspects of the market that merit further investigation via article research or other sources.

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Business Librarian

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Amy Fyn
Summer 2024: Available May 6 - June 19.
Subjects: Business, Economics