TSLN 590

Tips for finding Books related to Applied Linguistics

Finding the right books in the Library often means more than a simple keyword search.  After you have picked off the easiest finds in Esearch, here are some tips to dig deeper:

  1. Combine keywords, such as "language learning" AND (autis* OR "development disorders").  Check this Library of Congress page to learn more about how to combine keywords.

  2. Use the Library of Congress (LC) Classification System to browse the 3rd floor shelves. Each book has a call number sticker on its spine with the LC classification number on it. 
    • Applied Linguistics literature is divided among the linguistics books in the “P” section of the shelves, and the education theory books in the "LB" section. More information on the LC Classification System can be found at:  http://www.loc.gov/catdir/cpso/lcco/
  3. When in doubt, ASK A LIBRARIAN!

Finding Books

Requesting Items from Storage

Academic Projects Center

Librarians are available for drop-in help Monday - Thursday, 10am - 5pm in the Academic Projects Center, 1st floor.