NURS 640 - Research for Evidence Based Nursing

In-Class Quiz Question #1

One difference between a narrative review article and a systematic review article is:

Question #1
the elimination of overall selection bias: 226 votes (38.63%)
the manipulation of the statistical data sets: 166 votes (28.38%)
the groups are randomly allocated into either a control or experimental group: 193 votes (32.99%)
Total Votes: 585

In-Class Quiz Question #2

True or False - In the evidence-based practice process, the most important component of the literature research process is: 

Question #2
locating a systematic review.: 61 votes (12.58%)
finding popular material on the topic.: 24 votes (4.95%)
locating the best evidence for the specific research question.: 400 votes (82.47%)
Total Votes: 485

In-Class Quiz Questions #3

True or False - All medical research is of very high quality material and can be relied upon to be  authoritative. 

Question #3
True: 134 votes (28.82%)
False: 331 votes (71.18%)
Total Votes: 465