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PsycINFO - Finding Prepublication Articles

In some journals, the text of articles accepted for publication is released online (to journal subscribers) in advance of the official publication of an entire journal issue. For the journal titles it indexes, PsycINFO includes records for these prepublication articles. The prepublication records do NOT contain all the information that will appear in the PsycINFO records after the journal issue is officially published. Specifically, these prepublication records do NOT include: APA subject heading terms, page numbers, and any content that would normally appear in the methodology, tests and measures, and grants fields of the PsycINFO records. The prepublication records DO include article titles, author names, journal name , article summaries (abstracts), and an APA classification code for the primary subject content of the article. [APA Classication Categories and Codes - Text or PDF]

How do you search for prepublication articles in PsycINFO?

  1. On one search line, type the phrase, with the quotes
    "first posting"

  2. On another search line, type some topical search words.
    Or, if you use or one or more APA classification codes for the broad area you are investigating [APA Classication Categories and Codes - Text or PDF], change the drop-down menu at the end of that line to Classification - CL
    • Do NOT limit your search to Subject headings, because these terms are not yet applied to prepublication records
  3. At the bottom of the search screen, change the Sort results by: field from Relevance to Publication date (most recent first)

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