Advanced Practice Nursing

Evidence-based Practice

Evidence-based practice (EBP) is the concept of basing clinical care decisions on the best available knowledge or evidence, rather than on tradition or past practice. It means finding the best available evidence to support a clinical decision for an individual patient.

When searching for information in the electronic journal article databases, searches will be limited to those articles that show evidence through quantitative or qualitative research such as clinical trials, laboratory experiments, systematic reviews, scoping reviews, integrative reviews, meta-analyses, meta-syntheses, etc.

It is possible to limit searches in both CINAHL and PubMed to evidence-based materials.

However, in some cases, there is no publication type limit for a particular type of EBP article. In that case, you will have to combine your search with a keyword search for that particular type of article, e.g., "integrative review*", "scoping review*", etc.


In CINAHL, one method is to limit searches under the Publication Type menu to:

CINAHL Publication type limiter screenshot

CINAHL also provides a single check box under the limits area of the Advanced Search screen as a quick limit for evidence-based practice articles.

CINAHL Evidence-based practice limiter screenshot.


In PubMed, searches can also be limited to articles that contain evidence for practice. Most of these limits are simple check boxes under the "Limits" link and "Type of Article" menu. Here is a list of the EBP publication types in PubMed:

PubMed article type limiter screenshot

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