THRC 290 - Therapeutic Recreation


#1 - I am a researcher.
True: 29 votes (85.29%)
False: 5 votes (14.71%)
Total Votes: 34
#2 - Scholarly research generally follows a predictable, straight line path.
True: 4 votes (17.39%)
False: 19 votes (82.61%)
Total Votes: 23
#3 - Reading a single scholarly article provides me with all the expert opinions on my topic.
True: 0 votes (0%)
False: 25 votes (100%)
Total Votes: 25
#4 - The best health sciences database for finding therapeutic recreation resources is:
PsycINFO: 4 votes (14.81%)
Esearch: 2 votes (7.41%)
CINAHL: 19 votes (70.37%)
Google: 2 votes (7.41%)
Total Votes: 27
#5 - Scholarly databases are the best resources for me to locate materials for this professional research class.
True: 23 votes (100%)
False: 0 votes (0%)
Total Votes: 23