Career Information and Job Search

Find Info After You Graduate

Many of you will need to find quality information to perform well in your new job. You may be able to impress your employer with information skills you developed at EMU! Here are some options for after you  graduate:

1. EMU graduates can get a library card to check out items from the EMU library.

2. EMU graduates are welcome to visit the library to use electronic resources on a computer in the library. Unfortunately, vendor contracts stipulate that we can offer remote access to databases only to students currently in classes.

3. If you reside in Michigan, you have remote access to some databases via the Michigan Electronic Library (see link below).

4. GoogleScholar can still be useful for finding journal articles (see link below).

5. Many of these research guides include free resources that don't require a login. You are most welcome to continue to use these guides for those resources!

6. If you take a job outside Southeast Michigan, keep in mind that most public (and some private) universities will allow visitors to use databases in the library. Also, some other states have programs like the Michigan Electronic Library.

7. If you land a job with a large company, the corporate library may offer access to electronic databases and other services.

8. Don't underestimate your local public library. Even very small public libraries may have access to electronic databases and librarians skilled in using them. Many also have efficient systems for inter-library borrowing, so you can request that books from larger libraries be sent to your local library.

Library of Michigan Databases

Apply online for a Library of Michigan card and get access to their newspaper, history, and other databases. All Michigan residents and also out-of-state students enrolled in a Michigan college or university are eligible.

Library of Michigan

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