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CRM 592 / SOCL 592 - Corporate Crime - Barrett (Winter 2025)

Locating News and Media Stories

Finding Consequences

  • Some news articles that report or discuss a fine, settlement, court decision, or other consequence may include the source document as a PDF or link to the source document. For example, the NYT article, "Facebook agrees to Extensive New Oversight as Part of $5 Billion Settlement," includes a link to the FTC press release and the settlement order.
  • Another strategy if to identify the agency or court that imposed the sanction, and then locate that agency/court's website. Then, search the site for press releases or announcements related to the action. The order/decisions source document is usually available as a link or download.
    (A to Z Index of U.S. Government Agencies)
  • Note: Not all source documents are available.