Provides a full-text digital collection of the world's major news content. It includes millions of articles from newspapers and newswires and offers television and radio transcripts.
Provides the most comprehensive and valuable collection of full-text general interest resources. This resource is particularly strong in popular magazine coverage.
Search a large number of old newspapers scanned by Google (U.S. and international). Years vary by title: some go back into the late 1700's and some forward to the 2000's.
This site has a searchable database that lists cases of company misconduct, based on civil and criminal cases.
Some news articles that report or discuss a fine, settlement, court decision, or other consequence may include the source document as a PDF or link to the source document. For example, the NYT article, "Facebook agrees to Extensive New Oversight as Part of $5 Billion Settlement," includes a link to the FTC press release and the settlement order.
Another strategy if to identify the agency or court that imposed the sanction, and then locate that agency/court's website. Then, search the site for press releases or announcements related to the action. The order/decisions source document is usually available as a link or download.
(A to Z Index of U.S. Government Agencies)