"multimedia resources on topics critical to the conduct and advancement of a high-quality program of clinical practice research in communications sciences and related disorders."
Ebooks and reference sources from SAGE. Subjects: Many subjects, including African American Studies, Anthropology, Business Ethics, Communication, Criminology, Economics, Education, Gender Studies, History, Politics, Psychology, Social Issues, Social Work, Sociology. Info type: encyclopedia articles, ebooks
This 4 volume set covers the spectrum of communication disorders, from causation and prevention to testing and assessment; through rehabilitation, intervention, and education. Tip: Use the Readers Guide for effective browsing.
Quick reference providing brief definitions, descriptions, and explanations into the vernacular that is integral to those who work in a health care setting. The purpose of this text is to advance the competencies and confidence of speech-language pathology (SLP) clinicians working in medically related settings by familiarizing them with the language, principles, practices, and procedures they will encounter.
Covers "the entire range of communication and speech disorders in children and adults, from basic science to clinical diagnosis. The book has four sections: Voice, Speech, Language, and Hearing. Within each category, entries are organized into three subsections: Basic Science, Disorders, and Clinical Management.
This Encyclopedia shifts focus away from the medical model that has viewed deaf individuals as needing to be remedied in order to correct so-called hearing and speaking deficiencies for the sole purpose of assimilation into mainstream society. Search by keyword or use the "Reader's Guide" to browse by topic.
Directory of open resources, includes anatomy, audiology, drugs, evidence & guidelines, first aid, health education, mental health, nursing, nutrition, pediatric health, specialty areas, and more. Uses an advisory board of doctors, scientists, and pharmacists to ensure quality of resources.
Provides current, accurate, and comprehensive information on human diseases and conditions--infectious diseases, various types of cancer, physical and psychological conditions, tropical diseases, sports injuries, and important public health issues.
Search and display the full-text of reference books. Subjects: Many subjects, including History, Education, Film, Health, Science, Social Science Info type: encyclopedia and reference book entries. List of sources.
Print Reference Sources @ the EMU LIbrary
Treatment Resource Manual for Speech-Language Pathology by Froma P. Roth; Colleen K. Worthington
Call Number: REF RC 423 .R675 2016
Publication Date: 2015
Offers common disorder characteristics, treatment approaches, information reporting techniques, and patient profiles (child and adult).
The Cambridge Handbook of Communication Disorders by Louise Cummings (Editor)
Call Number: REF RC 423 .C24 2014
Publication Date: 2013
Examines the full range of developmental and acquired communication disorders and provides the epidemiology, aetiology and clinical features of these disorders Also, how these disorders are assessed and treated by speech and language therapists and recent theoretical developments in the field.
Intervention in Child Language Disorders by Ronald B. Hoodin
Offers "clinical ideas and treatment examples based on a firm theoretical foundation."
Quick Reference to Speech-Language Pathology by Sally G. Pore; Kathlyn L. Reed
Call Number: REF RC 423 .P665 1999
ISBN: 0834212781
Publication Date: 1999
Organized by a classification of syndromes and medical conditions
Dictionary of Communication Disorders by David W. H. Morris
Call Number: REF RC 423 .M597 1997
Publication Date: 1999
This dictionary provides clear and concise explanations of terms used in the field of speech, therapy pathology and relevant terms in related fields including augmentative, alternative communication, hearing, linguistic, medicine, phonetics/phonology and psychology/psychiatry.
Note a newer edition in ebook format is on order for the library.