Books: Basic information about searching for books
To limit your search to German language, use the Advanced Search option and click the Language box. Add German, and then fill in the rest of your search details (keywords, for example, or other limits).
Once you are looking at the search results page, you can also use the left column to limit by language.
Note that this language limit includes books with even just a little German content, even if the entire book is not written in German.
Hint for Esearch: because some German and English words have the same roots, you can search for both by using the catalog's truncation symbol, which is "*" For example, searching for literat* will find all the words with that root, such as literature, literate, literati and also Literaturgeschichte . If you want only the German term, then spell it out completely (diacritics don't matter: you'll get the same result for Frühling and Fruhling - but you will have to do a separate search for Fruehling).
Finding the right books in the Library Esearch often means more than a simple keyword search. After you have picked off the easiest finds, here are some tips to dig deeper: