A catalog of Michigan libraries. If you've searched the EMU Library catalog and found that an item is either not owned or is checked out to another user, try MeLCat. If the item is available, you can request it online.
Use the FindText+ button to determine if it is available at EMU. If the item is unavailable at EMU, try searching MeLCat. If the item you want is not available through MeLCat, you can request it through interlibrary loan.
Google Books contains information about books, and sometimes part or all of the monograph. If the book is no longer copyrighted or if the publisher has given Google permission, you'll be able to see a preview of the book, and in some cases the entire text. If the book is in the public domain, you can read the whole book and even download a PDF copy of it.
Current EMU students and faculty can use this online form to ask the library to borrow a book from another library. Please check MeLCat first, as MeLCat books arrive more quickly. To request a book, look for the Book link under New Request. The library doesn't borrow textbooks from other libraries through ILLiad.
Tip: If you just need a specific chapter, use the Book Chapter form.