MGMT 202 - Business Communication

Article Databases

Which database should I use?

Each recommended database below has different strengths. Scan the description of the topics covered and select one or more databases to use. If you aren't sure, use the Ask a Librarian chat box on this page for suggestions.

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Getting full-text articles has detailed instructions.

Books 24x7 eBooks

Books 24x7 books are online books that can be found via the EMU Library Catalog.

You can also search the full text of these books directly.

If you are researching a company or industry ...

If you are researching a company, the resources in these guides may be helpful.

International Business topics

Health topics or pyschology topics

Michigan News Sources

Professionalism Resources

This research guide has resources for developing professionalism, self-management, communication skills, decision making, ethics, etiquette and style, teamwork, leadership, and career skills.

More Business Research Sources

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