MGMT 610 - Diagnostic and Quantitative Methods in Organizations

Introduction to this Library Guide (Panopto recording)

Useful Databases for your Project

Classification Codes in Business Scholarly & Trade

Classification codes are a very broad way that articles are tagged in Business Scholarly & Trade (ABI/INFORM). For instance, there are over 80,000 articles tagged with 6200 for Training & development.

It can be useful to do a search that combines a classification code with keywords or subject terms.

emotional intelligence AND CC(62??)
This finds articles with the keyword phrase emotional intelligence that are also tagged as related to 6200 Training & Development.
(The ? marks are wildcards, meaning that any single digit number can fill those spots)

Scholarly v. Popular

If you are looking at a research article or an empirical article, the article will most likely also have a Methods or Methodology section.


Using ProQuest PowerSearch

Using Google Scholar

Note: The Advanced Search mentioned in this video can now be found in a menu you can access using the icon in the top left corner that looks like 3 bars.

Getting full-text articles

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