Interested in making your teaching materials available as OERs?
There are four major ways designate materials as OERs:
- OER generation sites (such as MERLOT)
(use the site's platform to format your content)
- OER collection sites (such as MERLOT, OER Commons)
(upload materials in a shareable format, such as Microsoft PowerPoint, or link to materials already posted online)
- social networking sites (such as YouTube)
There are some considerations to keep in mind as you create OERs*:
- Make your materials reusable, and preferably customizable, by using a Creative Commons license.
The Creative Commons site has a license generator that will provide the html or text for materials.
Microsoft has an add-on for marking documents with specific Creative Commons licenses.
- Upload in formats that are editable (html, rtf, png) rather than in formats that are difficult to modify (pdf).
- Add the URL to any hyperlinks so the information is not lost if the user prints the material.
- Make the materials accessible to all users. Use large fonts and add captions to images and videos.
- Keep slang and regional colloquialisms to a minimum.
*From "Democratizing Access to Knowledge: Find Out What Open Educational Resources (OER) Have to Offer," by Michael B. McNally, CC BY-3.0