Poster Presentation Basics

Design Considerations

Colors &
White Space

Use bright colors and blank spaces to highlight and group different aspects of your poster.  

Use high-contrast colors for text. For example, use black or a dark color for text on a white or light background, and use white text on a dark background.

Stick to 2 to 3 colors.  Having too many colors in your poster can detract from your message.


Design your poster at full size (100%).

Use columns, breaks, and lines to divide your poster into sections.

Within theses sections, resent your content so that the audience will read it left to right, top to bottom.

Make sure the various components align. For example, all the tops of columns should align, as should the paragraphs within each column.


Design your poster so that people standing four feet away can read it easily.

Use sans-serif fonts (like Arial, Helvetica, or Lucinda Sans) for titles and serif fonts (like Book Antiqua, Palatino, or Times New Roman) for body text. Don't use elaborate or cartoon-ish fonts. They are too difficult to read.

Make the fonts large. Suggested font sizes:     Title - 72 to 100 points                                Author - 50 to 80 points
                                                                                   Main Headings - 40 to 50 points              Subheadings - 36 to 42 points
                                                                                   Body - 24 to 36 points                                Captions - 18 points

Use only 2 or 3 fonts to keep your poster consistent and unified. Consider limiting fonts to 1 sans serif font for the title and 1 serif font for text.

Embed your fonts in your poster to ensure that the font won't be replaced with a different one.


Use images and graphics with a high resolution, ideally 300 ppi (pixels per inch), but 240 ppi is the minimum.

There are several sites that provide high-resoluation images that are freely available to use or modify - Unsplash, Pexels, Pixabay.

More information and links are available at "Finding and Using Images” Guide.