Examines "tenets of the American Dream as a merit narrative enacted in schools to better understand how beliefs about talent, hard work, and perseverance support the status quo rather than critical analysis of barriers to educational success for students of color and students from a poverty context."
In addition to surveying the various limitations that urban schools face, the book also highlights programs, communities, and schools that are making good on public education's promise of equity.
Analyzes and challenges the critical gaps and inequalities that persist in the American school system. Showing how historical biases have been inherited in current polices relating to non-dominant youth, the text calls for educational reforms that perform in the name of social justice.
Explores how inequity manifests in public education and social institutions, and how this inequity impacts the health and wellbeing of citizens, including marginalized people. Demonstrating how inequity thereby threatens democracy, this book also poses suggestions for improving equity in U.S. education.
A "multidisciplinary perspective on the critical role integration must play in the project of America becoming a multiracial democracy" focusing on the City of Detroit.
Critically examines how the narrative of global economic competition was used to rationalize college preparatory curriculum for all high school students and promote charter schools in Detroit.
Dismantled is an accessible, critical look at the devolution of local power in the Detroit public school system. The author examines the rise of charter schools and other private enterprises, the eclipse of control from local actors to new players and influences, and the invaluable lessons the experience holds for urban school systems nationwide.
Offers information, ideas and resources focused on children and families living in poverty. Specifically, how teachers and other professionals working with students can reflect, improve, and implement inclusive practices.
A book that points us to a future in which children learn together, across the lines of class and race, in schools where every child is accorded a full and equal share.
Unlimited access ebook.
Describes a multifaceted paradox--a constant struggle between those who espouse a message of hope and inclusion and others who systematically plan for exclusion.
Through powerful narratives of parents of Black and Latinx students with disabilities, this book provides a unique look at the relationship between disability, race, urban space, and market-driven educational policies.
Describes a comprehensive service delivery model called the Interconnected Systems Framework (ISF). Chapters address key school behavioral realated to collaboration, schoolwide approaches, quality of services, and support for specific populations, including military families and youth involved in the juvenile justice and child welfare systems.