Industry Research

Industry Codes

To use some sources you will need a NAICS or SIC code for your industry.

North American Industry Classification System
The NAIC System assigns numerical codes to industries from two to six digits. Shorter codes represent broader industry sectors. Be sure to read the full description of the NAICS code, as it may include a broader array of products/services than you might assume.

Standard Industrial Classification Manual (at OSHA site)
The SIC system assigns numerical codes to industries from two to four digits. Shorter codes represent broader industry sectors. Be sure to read the full description of the SIC code, as it often includes a broader array of products/services than you might assume.

Industry Overviews

Economist Profiles of Industries

The Structure of American Industry
Industry overviews written by economists which explore: how an industry is organized and structured, industry history, competition in the industry, economic performance of industries, and related public policy issues. The 2013 edition profiles agriculture, airlines, automobiles, banking, beer, cigarettes, college sports, electricity, health care, music recording, petroleum, public accounting, and telecommunications. Industries unique to the 2001 edition are computers and motion pictures. Unique to the 1995 edition are casino gambling, steel, and pharmaceuticals (some coverage in 2005 ed. chapter on health care). Unique to the 1986 edition are breakfast cereal and conglomerates.

Reference HC 106 .S85 2013
Reference HC 106 .S85 2005
Reference HC 106 .S85 2001
Reference HC 106 .S85 1995
Reference HC 106 .S85 1986

Industry Studies
Like the The Structure of American Industry, this text provides economic explorations of industries that focus on issues such as industry structure, economies of scale, distribution, price competition, and other factors. The 3rd ed covers: airlines, automobiles, beer, broilers (chicken), computers, electric power, casino gambling, health insurance, motion pictures, nursing homes, pharmaceuticals, retail banking, steel, and telecommunications. The 1998 ed. (available online via NetLibrary) has a chapter on hospitals.
Reference HC 106.8 .I53 2002

Industry Surveys for Previous Years

Need to do historical research on industries?

Standard & Poor’s Industry Surveys 1999 - current
Search for and display a current survey in S&P NetAdvantage. Above the document look for the Archived Surveys pulldown menu.
Access from off campus with My.Emich login
Use the Industries tab to browse industries or search for a company profile and find the Industry Survey links to the left.

S&P Industry Surveys 1983-2005 (Paper copies at EMU Library)
Link above takes you to a catalog record with link to request these from storage (arrives at checkout desk in 10 minutes)

U.S. Commerce dept industry profiles

The US Commerce dept published the U.S. Industrial Outlook from 1973 - 1994. From 1995 - 2000 the Commerce dept published the U.S. Global Trade Outlook, which provided industry overviews with an international focus. The 1994 edition is  full text on GoogleBooks and the 1991-1994 editions are available chapter by chapter in the General OneFile database (see links below). Paper versions of the two publications 1973-2000 are available at the EMU Library.

U.S. Industrial Outlook 1973-1994
EMU Library, 2nd Floor, Government Documents
C 61.34:

U.S. Global Trade Outlook 1995-2000
EMU Library, 2nd Floor, Government Documents
C 61.34/2:

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