MGMT 628 - HR Development

Workshop Objectives

At the end of the workshop, students will:

  • Have found at least two articles relevant to the group project.
  • Be able to demonstrate a few specific search skills in both Google Scholar & ABI/INFORM, such as:
    using Findtext+ to find fulltext articles from Google Scholar
    using subject terms and/or classification codes in ABI/INFORM 
  • Be able to explain some reasons one might choose one source over another.
  • Feel more confident in their ability to independently find articles on a topic.

Useful Databases for your Project

Useful Business Scholarly & Trade (formerly ABI/INFORM) Subject terms

Employee development
Professional development

Case Studies

Cognitive style
   (also Interpersonal communication)
Conflict management
   (also Conflicts)
Customer services
  (also Client relationships)
Diversity training
Emotional intelligence
Management styles
Safety Training
   (also Accident prevention)

Sexual harrassment
   (also Teams)
Time management
Work life balance
   (also Stress)
Workplace violence

Classification Codes in Business Scholarly & Trade (formerly ABI/INFORM)

Classification codes are a way to tag articles in Business Scholarly & Trade. For instance, there are over 80,000 articles tagged with 6200 for Training & Development.

It can be useful to do a search that combines a classification code with keywords or subject terms.

emotional intelligence AND CC( 62??)
This finds articles with the keyword phrase emotional intelligence that are also tagged as related to 6200 Training & Development.
(The ? marks are wildcards.)

These classification codes might be useful for MGMT 628:
6200 Training & development
6500 Employee problems
2200 Managerial skills
2500 Organizational behavior

See Also

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