OCTH 540 - Research Methods in Occupational Therapy

In-Class Quiz Question #1

Using the asterisk ( * ) in a search strategy is called truncation mark or wildcard searching. Select the correct answer below for e.g. doctor*
doctors, doctored, doctoring, doctorings, doctoral, doctorate, doctorates: 3 votes (25%)
doctors, doctored, doctoring, doctorings, doctoral, doctorate, doctorates, doctor: 9 votes (75%)
Total Votes: 12

In-Class Quiz Question #2

Using quotation marks commands the computer to find a string of words as a phrase, in exactly that order. Which of the following options is showing the correct use of quotation marks in a search string? Example: affordable care act
"affordable care" act: 1 votes (10%)
"affordable care act": 7 votes (70%)
affordable "care act": 2 votes (20%)
Total Votes: 10

In-Class Quiz Question #3

One difference between a narrative review article and a systematic review article is:

Question #1
the elimination of overall selection bias: 221 votes (38.7%)
the manipulation of the statistical data sets: 161 votes (28.2%)
the groups are randomly allocated into either a control or experimental group: 189 votes (33.1%)
Total Votes: 571

In-Class Quiz Question #4

True or False - In the evidence-based practice process, the most important component of the literature research process is: 

Question #2
locating a systematic review.: 59 votes (12.47%)
finding popular material on the topic.: 24 votes (5.07%)
locating the best evidence for the specific research question.: 390 votes (82.45%)
Total Votes: 473