SFCE 572

History of American Schooling and Literacy

Esearch - Books & Ebooks

Search Esearch for Books & Ebooks

New books at the EMU Library

Finding Specific Titles in Esearch

Finding a specific book, ebook, or video title can be challenging in Esearch because you retrieve so many items. Here are some tips:

a. Try using the Advanced Search, which allows you to search by title and/or author.

b. Try searching the title (or portion of a title) in quote marks to find that exact phrase, like this: “freedom to learn”

c. Use the CONTENT TYPE limiter in the left side panel, to limit results to Book/eBook or Video Recording, etc. Or start with the links below the Esearch box on the library web site for Books & Ebooks or Media to do a search already limited by format.

d. If you have difficulty determining if we have an item, contact our Ask a Librarian chat.

InterLibrary Loan - Books

MeLCat is the fastest way to borrow a book via interlibrary loan. If you can't find the book in MeLCat, try ILLiad.

Requesting Items from Storage

Other Free Sources for Ebooks

Search Inside Books

Having trouble finding books on your topic?

You can search the fulltext of books in GoogleBooks to identify books that discuss your topic.

Most recent books are not fulltext in GoogleBooks. Check the titles you identify in the EMU Library Esearch to find eBook and print versions of the books.

Google Book Search

How to Check Out Books from UM Libraries

EMU Students may borrow books and other circulating materials in the University of Michigan Library collections by obtaining a guest borrowers card. This is not an interlibrary loan service, and this guest borrower's card does not give you online access to UM's electronic resources.

First, EMU students must register at the EMU Library Circulation Desk with a current EMU ID card and a U-M Library Card Request Form.

Next, you will be notified by email when your guest borrower's card can be picked up at the Hatcher Graduate Library North Circulation Desk at University of Michigan. Bring a picture ID with you to pick up your card.  Borrowing Privileges and library cards for EMU students and staff are valid for the current term only, and can be renewed by visiting the EMU Library Circulation Desk.

Note that this guest borrower's card does not give you online access to UM's electronic resources, but some of those resources may be available at designated guest computers in the UM Libraries buildings.

UM Libraries are multiple and complex. EMU students should take time to plan a visit.

Finding Books on the Shelves

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Education Librarian

Profile Photo
Kate Pittsley-Sousa
Subjects: Education