IDE 111 - Environmental Psychology and Behavior for Interior Design

Use research literature and internet sources to learn the definition, case, and design considerations for a selected physical/cognitive condition

Academic resources

Start here:

Other helpful resources include:

Internet resources

Medical/government websites:

Results from these entities will often be near the top of a Google search and may even supply content that is highlighted (see image below).

Sample Google search for ALS with results from the Mayo Clinic highlighted.

Organizational websites:

See in-class exercise results.

Tips for searching

  1. After you research the medical condition, you'll want to research design considerations for it. Keep in mind that it may not be as easy as listing the condition and "design considerations," "building design" or "universal design" in a database or search engine. You may have to break many of the conditions up into their respective symptoms or limitations and search for those.
  2. Titles can be deceiving. Often, good articles won’t include all of your search terms in the title and those that do aren’t always good.
  3. Use quotes around phrases. This forces the database to search for the phrase as a single term (it works in Google and other search engines also).Esearch query using quotes around phrase
  4. Generally speaking, if you can find one good article, you can use that to expand your research and find additional articles. See the following video for strategies that you can employ to do this.
  5. Give yourself plenty of time to look for information. It will take longer than you think.

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