UWC Consultant Guide

Research Guides

EMU Librarians have created online Research Guides to help students who are doing research for a specific course, or on a specific subject. You can help students find an appropriate subject guide for their research, either by looking to see if there is a guide for their course, or an appropriate subject guide. 

If a librarian has created a guide for a specific course, it will automatically be linked within the Canvas course shell for that course. If a student uses canvas, they can click on "Library Guides" in their course shell and will be automatically directed to that course-related research guide. 

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Search for Books

If a student is looking for a specific book title or books on a general subject, the search box below is where you'd want to search. You can also get to this via the "Books & Ebooks" link on the library website.
Esearch logo

Library Esearch

Esearch is the library's interface for searching though most of the library’s books, articles, ebooks, dissertations, videos, music, etc. You can refine the results of your search by using the filters that appear on the left side of the search results screen. These filters are for things like source type (book, journal article, magazine article), date, subject, etc. It's a good place to guide students who are just beginning their research. 


Esearch logo  

Finding Articles on a Variety of Subjects

Esearch (directly above) is a good starting place when you're looking for articles, but if you find the list of results overwhelming, you can search in another database. You can look at our entire list of databases, or try one of the interdisciplinary databases listed below.

Academic Projects Center Co-Coordinator

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Sarah Fabian
Please feel free to email me at sfabian@emich.edu to get help over email or find a time to meet if my available appointment times don't work with your schedule.