
A guide to finding maps and cartographic information at EMU and on the web

Map Library Location and Hours


Halle Library Room 114, 734-487-2855


The Map Library is open Mon-Thurs 7:30-3:30 and Friday by appointment. Contact Diane Browning,, for more information or to schedule an appointment.

What's in the Map Collection?

What's in the Map Collection?

  • Atlases - atlases of many types, including world, geographic, political, demographic, economic and marketing, historical, military, nature, and celestial atlases. Atlases are primarily located in the circulating collection or automated retrieval collection (ARC). Note that Reference Collection atlases are for use only in the map room and are available during map library hours.
  • Topographic maps - USGS topographic maps for Michigan and many other states
  • Ocean surveys and coastal charts
  • Government documents and publications - including CIA and defense mapping agencies
  • Posters, calendars, and aerial photography (see Special Indexes for links)
  • A light table - located in the University Archives (Halle 117)

Special indexes

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