Web of Science for Library Research

Intro to Web of Science

Understanding how Web of Science is different from most other library databases is the first step to using it successfully:

  • It is an index, not a repository of articles (findtext+ links you to EMU-owned content)
  • The WoS Core Collection indexes millions of records from the top journals, conference proceedings, and books in the sciences, social sciences, and arts and humanities. EMU's access is from 1975 to the present.
  • It augments the records with information about author affiliations, funding, organizations and other contextual information important to the world of scholarly communication.
  • It offers powerful cited reference searching.
  • You can capture citation activity graphically with Citation Report; and use the Analyze tool to identify trends and patterns.

Connecting to Web of Science

Go to the EMU Library Home Page: https://www.emich.edu/library/
Click the box for DATABASES



Click the letter  W
Scroll down the page and click on Web of Science

Web of Science link in database list


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Kelly Getz