Microsoft Word / Google Docs: APA formatting help

Running heads in Microsoft Word

APA 7th ed. no longer requires that student papers have running headers--student papers need only a page number in the header. That being said, an instructor may still require a running header. See APA's Page Header page for detailed requirements.

To add a running header to a Word document:

  1. Click at the top of the document to edit the header. MS Word document with header being edited.
  2. In all caps, type your abbreviated title. MS Word document with header being edited--abbreviated title is entered.
  3. To add a page number, use the "Page number" menu. Make sure to place the page number at the top of the page with right alignment.MS Word document with page number menu activated in the ribbon.
  4. Click back into the body of the document and continue your work. MS Word document.


Running heads in Google Docs

APA 7th ed. no longer requires that student papers have running headers--student papers only need a page number in the header. That being said, an instructor may still require a running header. See APA's Page Header page for detailed requirements.

To add a running head to a document in Google Docs:

  1. Click at the top of the document to edit the header. Google Docs header
  2. In all caps, type your abbreviated title. Google Docs header with an abbreviated title entered.
  3. To add a page number, select "Options," then "Page numbers." Google Docs header with the options menu highlighted, and "Page numbers" selected from the drop-down menu.
  4. On the resulting screen, make sure that the "Show on first page" option is selected and that the numbering starts at 1, then select "Apply."
    Google Docs page numbers dialogue window. Show of first page is selected and the numbering is set to begin at 1.
  5. To right justify the page number (so that the title appears on the left and the page number appears on the right), click on the ruler at the point where you want the number to appear, then select "Add right tab-stop." Place your cursor before the page number and hit the Tab key. Adding a right tab-stop to Google Docs.
  6. Click back into the body of the document and continue your work. Google Docs document with complete header.

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