Microsoft Word / Google Docs: APA formatting help

Indenting in Microsoft Word

Use the ruler:

The ruler allows you to quickly set indents. First, make sure that the ruler is visible. MS Word ribbon
If not, select "View" from the menu bar and make sure that "Ruler" is checked. MS Word ribbon menu with "View" and the show ruler option highlighted.

On the ruler, you'll want to find the indent marker (two triangles on top of a rectangle). The marker's three components allow you to control different parts of a paragraph and set different indents.
Indent marker--dragging the top triangle sets the first line indent; dragging the bottom triangle indents the paragraph except for the first line (hanging indent); dragging the rectangle indents the entire paragraph and preserves the other indent settings.

Click and drag the desired component to set indents.

Use paragraph settings:

Begin by accessing the document's paragraph settings. To do this:

  • right click (CNTL + click on Mac), then select "Paragraph"
  • select "Format" from the program menu, then "Paragraph".

Set the drop-down menu under "Special" to your desired indent (i.e., first line or hanging indent). By default, Word will set a 0.5 inch indent. If you require a different setting, enter the correct distance before selecting "OK."

Word paragraph settings dialogue box with Special drop-down highlighted.

Use a keyboard shortcut:

Follow these steps to create a hanging indent with keyboard shortcuts.

  1. Highlight the citation(s) for which you want to apply the hanging indent.
    Citation highlighted in Microsoft Word
  2. Press CNTL + T (Command + T on Mac) to apply a hanging indent.

Indenting in Google Docs

Use the ruler:

The ruler allows you to quickly set indents. First, make sure that the ruler is visible. Google Docs ruler

If not, select "View" from the menu bar and make sure that "Show ruler is checked. Google Docs View menu selected with "Show ruler" option highlighted

On the ruler, you'll want to find the indent marker (a rectangle on top of a triangle). The marker's two components allow you to control the first line indent of a paragraph, or the left indent of the whole paragraph. Google indent marker. Dragging the top rectangle indents the first line of a paragraph. Dragging the bottom triangle indents the entire paragraph, preserving any other indent settings.

Click and drag the desired component to set indents.

A note on hanging indents:

Since Google Docs' indent marker only contains two components, both must be manipulated to set a hanging indent, Begin by dragging the triangle, which sets the entire paragraph's indent, to the desired location. Then, drag the rectangle, which sets the first line's indent, back to the original position. nimated gif of the process used to set a hanging indent with the ruler in Google Docs.

Use paragraph settings:

  1. Begin by access the document's paragraph settings (Select "Format" from the menu, then "Align and indent," then "Indentation options." Google Docs Format menu with "Align & indent,"  and "Indentation settings" highlighted.
  2. Select your desired indent (i.e., first line or hanging indent) from the drop-down menu under "Special Indent." By default, Google Docs will set a 0.5 inch indent. If you require a different setting, enter the correct distance before selecting "Apply."
    Google Docs Indentation Options dialogue window with Special indents settings highlighted.

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