Market Research

Industry Codes

To use some sources you will need a NAICS or SIC code for your industry.

North American Industry Classification System
The NAIC System assigns numerical codes to industries from two to six digits. Shorter codes represent broader industry sectors. Be sure to read the full description of the NAICS code, as it may include a broader array of products/services than you might assume.

Standard Industrial Classification Manual (at OSHA site)
The SIC system assigns numerical codes to industries from two to four digits. Shorter codes represent broader industry sectors. Be sure to read the full description of the SIC code, as it often includes a broader array of products/services than you might assume.

Business Demographics

Create Your Own Company Lists

Beware! Private company info is difficult to obtain and verify.

Although better than most free sources, the info in these databases is often inaccurate--this is especially true of sales figures which may only be gross estimates (even when labelled as actual).

Useful Free Directories

Electronic Book

See also

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Amy Fyn
Subjects: Business, Economics