Police Staff and Command

Identify the article's title.

Bacharach, S. B., Bamberger, P. A., & Doveh, E. (2008). Firefighters, critical incidents, and drinking to cope: The adequacy of unit-level performance resources as a source of vulnerability and protection. Journal of Applied Psychology93(1), 155-169. doi:10.1037/0021-9010.93.1.155

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Identify the book's title.

Authored Book:

Kipp, J. D., & Loflin, M. E. (1996)Emergency incident risk management: A safety & health perspective. New York, NY: Van Nostrand Reinhold.

Edited Book:

Paton, D., & Violanti, J. M. (Eds.). (1996)Traumatic stress in critical occupations: Recognition, consequences and treatment. Springfield, IL: Charles C Thomas.

Chapter in Edited Book:

Regehr, C. (2005). Crisis support for families of emergency responders. In A. R. Roberts (Ed.)Crisis intervention handbook: Assessment, treatment, and research (3rd ed., pp. 246-261). New York, NY: Oxford University Press.

Select a button to highlight the appropriate element in the citation.

NOTE: Newer APA 7th ed. citations do not provide the place of publication for books.

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