Use these databases to find articles and reports on specific topics. The Search Tutorial tab at left provides video instruction on using databases to find articles.
ERIC, PsycINFO, and Google Scholar are the most generally useful article databases for education topics. For some topics, additional databases may be useful.
Tip: To find historical background try using this ERIC subject in your search: "Educational History"
Comparison of educational systems, Finland v. U.S.
Try this search in ERIC:
finland AND "united states" AND su("comparative analysis")
Technology helping or hurting?
Try this search in ERIC:
SUBJECT.exact("Educational Technology") AND SUBJECT.exact("Instructional Effectiveness")
Why male secondary school teachers are paid more
Surprisingly difficult to search for. Try "chasing" the citations to this article:
Lee, V. E., & Smith, J. B. (1990). Gender equity in teachers' salaries: A multilevel approach. Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, 12(1), 57-81.