To use some sources you will need a NAICS or SIC code for your industry.
North American Industry Classification System
The NAIC System assigns numerical codes to industries from two to six digits. Shorter codes represent broader industry sectors. Be sure to read the full description of the NAICS code, as it may include a broader array of products/services than you might assume.
Standard Industrial Classification Manual (at OSHA site)
The SIC system assigns numerical codes to industries from two to four digits. Shorter codes represent broader industry sectors. Be sure to read the full description of the SIC code, as it often includes a broader array of products/services than you might assume.
MKTG 368 students -
This page lists sources that are most likely to be helpful for your assignment. The Green Buttonsto the left provide additional info.
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1.) Use the chat box on this page or other Ask a Librarian options.
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Articles will be esp useful for investigating your controversies. Trade periodical articles may often be the most useful. You can find trade periodical articles in ProQuest's Business Scholarly & Trade and Factiva. Google Scholar may be less useful for this assignment as it is limited to scholarly articles
Mintel will have great customer/target market info for consumer products. If your product/service is not covered by Mintel, articles will probably be your best source. Or, look in other sources in the Market Research guide.