EMU Library
Research Guides
MKTG 640 - Integrated Marketing Communications
Presentation Help
MKTG 640 - Integrated Marketing Communications
IMC Research
Media Research
Citing Sources
Citation Tutorials
Research Help
Writing Help
Presentation Help
Electronic Books
Book of Business Quotations
Publication Date: 2012
A collection of witty and entertaining business quotations brought together by the experts at The Economist.
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and you will be able to do keyword searches of the book.
The Complete Guide to Business School Presenting
Stanley K. Ridgley
Includes a section on group presentations.
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Titles on presentation skills, from the library's catalog
Presentation Tips
Presentation Tips
This web site offers tips on preparing presentations, slide design, and effective delivery of presentations.
Public Speaking Tips - Toastmasters
Short helpful articles on ways to connect with an audience, improve speeches, conquer fear, handle business presentations, etc.
DVDs at the EMU Library
90 Minutes to Killer Presentation Skills
DVD available for checkout from the EMU Library.
Secrets of Body Language
DVD available for checkout from the EMU Library. Also available in a
streaming version
Art of Public Speaking: Lessons from the Greatest Speeches in History
Public speaking course on 2 DVD set contains twelve 30-minute lectures. Available for checkout from the EMU Library.
Print Books at the EMU Library
HBR Guide to Persuasive Presentations
Nancy Duarte
Win over tough crowds - Organize a coherent narrative - Create powerful messages and visuals - Connect with and engage your audience - Show people why your ideas matter to them - Strike the right tone, in any situation
Writing Help
Improve your Speaking Skills
Huron Valley Toastmasters
Huron Valley Toastmasters club meetings are held every Tuesday from 6:30 - 8:00 pm.