MGMT 388 - Intro to Entrepreneurship

More Sources of Industry Info

Industry Codes

To use some sources you will need a NAICS or SIC code for your industry.

North American Industry Classification System
The NAIC System assigns numerical codes to industries from two to six digits. Shorter codes represent broader industry sectors. Be sure to read the full description of the NAICS code, as it may include a broader array of products/services than you might assume.

Standard Industrial Classification Manual (at OSHA site)
The SIC system assigns numerical codes to industries from two to four digits. Shorter codes represent broader industry sectors. Be sure to read the full description of the SIC code, as it often includes a broader array of products/services than you might assume.


A recent industry overview offers a good head start on secondary research.

The highest quality industry reports provided by the EMU Library are S&P Industry Surveys (in S&P NetAdvantage) and Mintel market research reports. Both offer lengthy reports with high quality info.

S&P Industry Reports
Because S&P produces information for investors, S&P Industry Surveys emphasize publicly traded companies and associated industries. They might not include industries composed mostly of private companies, such as accounting services or laundromats. The reports cover very broad industries--don't be discouraged, as important sub-parts of the industry are often discussed. Also, sometimes understanding the broader industry can be very helpful.

Be sure to look at the main industry report, not just the smaller sub-industry report. Within the Industry Survey, there is a section called Industry References, which lists major industry groups, trade periodicals, statistics sources, relevant government agencies, etc. It can be useful to explore these sources for more info.

Mintel Market Research Reports
These very high quality reports often have great info on consumers, segments, trends, competitors, etc.

The interface can make it difficult to find all the report sections, as the PDF downloads do not contain the main report. Scroll down under Report Content   to find the sections for MarketConsumerData, etc. Or use the Content Map  button to link to all report sections.

Other Sources
There are briefer reports in two article databases, ProQuest & Business Insights. The Industry Research and Market Research guides offer further resources for industry research, such as articles, benchmark sources, etc.

Industry Overviews

How to Find the Info in Mintel Reports

The Mintel interface has recently been "improved" and the new interface is pretty awkward. If you aren't careful, it is easy to miss the "meat" of the reports. Students often don't find the full report info - these tips will help:

1. The downloads section does not contain the full report.

Look in the sections under Report Content (in purple).
    The pages are organized in 5 sections:
     Click on a section to see page titles; click on a title for page text.

 3. The pages often include statistical tables. The tables often are shortened and can be expanded.
      Look at the table bottom for the link Click here to show full table

4. From a page, you can use the purple Content Map button in the title box at top to view the 5 sections.
    Or use the purple arrow buttons near the Content Map button to page through the report.

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