This page includes resources regarding the Health Sciences, including Occupational Therapy, Clinical Laboratory Sciences, Health Administration and Public Health.
Streaming video. Topics include: How do I know that occupational therapy is right for me? What do the early years of studying occupational therapy involve? What career paths are available to me? A day in the life of an occupational therapist. (2016)
Streaming video. Subjects Covered Include: What education is necessary to become a medical technician? What courses are important? Is science important to becoming a medical technician? Where do medical technicians work? (2016)
Health Sciences -- Print Resources
Occupational Therapy: Student to Clinician by L. Davis
Call Number: RM735.4 .D38 2015
ISBN: 9781617110252
Publication Date: 2015
Outlines a variety of practical topics including interview skills, negotiating a salary, working within a team, developing professional competencies and understanding the culture of an organization.
Take Charge of Your Healthcare Management Career by K. White
Call Number: RA971.35 .W45 2015
ISBN: 9781567936926
Publication Date: 2015
The 50 lessons broadly cover three major areas: managing yourself, managing your job, and taking charge of your career. Tips include managing the first 90 days of your healthcare management position, Mastering presentations, Building strong teams, and Developing a professional development plan.
Preparing for Professional Practice in Health and Social Care by A. Atwal
Call Number: RM735.4 .P74 2009
ISBN: 9781405175937
Publication Date: 2009
Companion for students and newly qualified practitioners in occupational therapy, physiotherapy and other allied health professions. Topics range from law, ethics and client-centered practice to inter-professional working, communication skills and reflective practice. Contains case studies from clinical practice and self-assessment exercises.