Dietetics & Nutrition

In Esearch...

In Esearch, select the article's title to be transported to either a full-text version of the article or a listing of options for retrieving full-text. 

Screenshot of the Esearch result for an article with the cursor hovering over the title.

In the library's other databases...

In the library's other databases, look for one of the following options:

  • Full text
    • Full text icon
  • Full text (PDF)
    • Full text - PDF icon PDF Full Text icon
  • Access Options: EMU FindText+ (in Ebsco databases)
    • Access options: EMU FindText+
  • EMU FindText+
    • EMU FindText+ icon

Selecting one will transport you to either a full-text version of the article or a listing of options for retrieving full-text. 

Decoding the full-text availability screen

If you are presented with a screen listing options for retrieving an article's full-text rather than the full-text itself, follow these steps:

  1. Take note of the article's publication date. Screenshot of an article's detailed record with publication date highlighted.
  2. Take note of the article's availability (whether it is available online, in print, or both) Screenshot of an article's detailed record with availability information highlighted.
  3. Compare that date to the availability ranges listed for each option. Screenshot of an article's detailed record with full text availability options highlighted
  4. Select any option in which the range includes the article's publication date. Screenshot of an article's detailed record full-text availability options with cursor hovering over relevant link. If an item is not available online, but is available in print, proceed to the location indicated under the "Locations" heading. Magazines and journals are arranged in alphabetical order by title on the library's 2nd. floor. Screenshot of an article's detailed record showing physical locations of print journal.

When full-text is not available...

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