Halle Library Information
This is a research guide for the Nutrition & Dietetics Program. This guide has program specific resources and includes electronic books, databases and web resources relevant to dietetics & nutrition research.
1) Library Home Page: https://www.emich.edu/library. You can access the library catalog and databases directly through this page, as well as links to general library information.
2) Basics of Using the Halle Library Resources - provides tutorials on how to use resources and materials. https://guides.emich.edu/help/researchbasics
3) Library Services - explanations regarding the use of library services https://www.emich.edu/library/services/index.php
4) Databases - links to the Halle Library Databases page: https://guides.emich.edu/az.php
5) Evaluating Information - Use the link, Evaluating Information, on the left menu for guides and techniques for critically appraising resources
6) Citing Sources
7) Interlibrary Loan - how to obtain journal articles and books from other libraries that the Halle Library does not own: https://www.emich.edu/library/services/get_other_libraries.php
As students at EMU you have access to MeLCat, a system that allows you to borrow books from other Michigan libraries, and regular interlibrary loan which allows to request books and articles from other libraries that are not available through the Halle Library.
Additionally, Halle Library has reciprocal agreements with other academic libraries in the state, including our borrowing agreement with the University of Michigan, which includes the Taubman Health Science Library.
8) Librarian Subject Specialist - Elizabeth Bucciarelli - 734-487-2506 - ebucciare@emich.edu
You can ask me research questions through my email, ebucciare@emich.edu or make an in-person or Zoom appointment with me here: https://guides.emich.edu/appointment/elizabeth. See also the box on the right column.
You may also receive literature research assistance 24/7 through the Ask a Librarian service (a real, human academic librarian, not a chat bot!) located in the right column.