This project aims to provide a selective bibliographic resource for teachers, parents, counselors, and others interacting with ACEs children so that they may have a resource. Includes many relevant children's books.
Resources from Sesame Street on health and wellness, social-emotional skills, and school readiness. Includes videos, stories, and printable activities, as well as professional development materials (articles and workshops).
A leading proponent of teaching computational thinking and coding as early as preschool and kindergarten, presents examples of children and teachers using the Scratch Jr. and Kibo robotics platforms to make explicit some of the positive values implicit in the process of learning computer science.
For K-3, provides research-based evidence for incorporating diverse literature in the early childhood classroom and features annotated bibliographies with a critical analysis based on knowledge of child development and best practices in literacy education. Offers classroom vignettes, multimodal text sets, and author/illustrator spotlights throughout the book.
Provides detailed recommendations for setting up the classroom reading environment, selecting books, preparing materials, setting goals, and integrating discussions with curricular demands, while maintaining a child-centered philosophy and addressing needs of culturally & linguistically diverse students.
Explores why early childhood is a critical time to address the STEM gender divide, explores identity development and the influences of the media and models on young children. Provides materials to design effective curricula and activities to engage girls with STEM in playful ways that build on their personal interests.
For early childhood through grade 3, this book provides SEL, mindfulness, and brain-friendly physical activity that promotes growth, development, and behavior management. These field-tested activities can be used to help kids wake up, calm down, focus, or soothe anxious feelings.
Developmentally appropriate strategies and activities to celebrate, rather than exclude, diversity, traditions, and holidays. Many programs are establishing a'no holiday'policy, but this book shows you how to celebrate and adhere to school policy. Among other topics, it includes evaluating holiday activities for appropriateness, addressing commercialism and stereotypes, involving families, and developing inclusive policies.
Enables school staff to prepare children--including those with delayed communication skills, ELL students, or children with suspected special education needs--for learning in school by developing their communication skills through the use of robust communication strategies.
Provides real-life examples of how to bring animals into your classroom with suggestions for planning, ideas for finding the right pet, and resources for making experiences meaningful, relevant, and joyful for children. Also offer adaptations if live animals are not permitted in your setting.
Learn how to integrate lessons about good digital citizenship into the daily life of the early childhood classroom. Provides suggested readings and annotated lists of children's books and organizational resources.
The simple songs in this book will help you glide smoothly through tough transitions such as greetings and good-byes, calling attention, cleaning up, moving, waiting, and slowing down. Red Leaf Press provides related Videos
This book discusses the benefits, the rewards, and the importance of reading aloud to children of a new generation. Inlcudes lists of recommended read-aloud books.
Using photos, vignettes, narrative, and more than eighty unplugged coding activities, this book helps readers better understand what coding is and how they can implement easy and developmentally appropriate coding games and activities into their early childhood programs.
Teaches reading using sounds and spelling patterns. Sounds and patterns are introduced one at a time, and slowly built into words, syllables, phrases, and sentences. Simple step-by-step directions begin every lesson. Useful for K-2 emergent readers, adult/teen learners, ELL students, and students with disabilities.
This book's 15 kid-friendly lessons convey how science, technology, engineering, and mathematics intersect in the real world. They embed reading-comprehension strategies that integrate the STEM subjects and English language arts through high-quality picture books. You'll help your K-2 students engage in STEM activities while learning to read and reading to learn.
Full of practical guidance and easy-to-implement strategies on how to provoke learning and creativity in early years settings, allowing children to freely explore their environment and develop their ability to critically think.
The book includes detailed instructions for developmentally stimulating, screen-free toys that parents and toddlers can make together out of everyday household items. Pubished by the American Academy of Pediatrics.
Use the updated activities, examples, and research to improve your anti-bias and multicultural education programs. This clear and practical guide includes expanded information on English language learners, family engagement, culturally responsive teaching, and staff training.
Ebook provided by the Michigan Electronic Library.
Focuses on character development in infants, toddlers, and twos and includes lesson plans fo facilitate the development of key character traits in children: caring, honesty, integrity, respect, responsibility, and self-discipline.
Grounded in the theory of early education pioneer Elinor Goldschmied, the book explains heuristic learning--discovery by trial and error--and how to encourage this type of learning to boost development. Teachers will learn how to set up treasure baskets that encourage heuristic play: containers filled with easy-to-find items that support explorations in emergent language, math, and science skills.
A social & emotional literacy program for ages 4-8. Leads children through Archie’s adventures over 16 lessons, as he encounters a range of social and emotional dilemmas. Through evidence-based activities, discussion, role-play, games, and explicit social skill instruction, children learn how develop positive problem-solving skills to transfer into their everyday lives.
Drawing from the holistic and inclusive model of Developmental Play, which includes sensory play, creative-explorative play, meaning-making play and higher play, the activities focus on supporting aspects of social, emotional, physical and cognitive development.