Library & Research Help

Save Records in Esearch

Sign In first in order to save items for the future.

Save one record:

Select the Pin button pin icon next to the item that you want to save in the search results.

record example

The system highlights the item, changes the icon to the Pinned icon pinned icon and adds the item to the My Favorites page.

Save multiple records:

Individual selection:

Select the checkbox that appears next to each item in the list. As records are added to the page, the number of selected records appears above the results. After you have selected one or more items, select the Pin icon that appears above the list of results to save all selected items to My Favorites.

Page selection:

Select the checkbox that appears above the entire list to select all items on the page. After you have selected one or more items, select the Pin icon that appears above the list of results to save all selected items to My Favorites.

save items from a page

See more detailed information at Saving and Managing Records in Primo VE. (Primo VE is the brand name for Esearch.)

Save Searches and Search Alerts in Esearch

Sign in first.

Save a search

Perform a search that you want to save.

Select Save search, above the search results.

save search location

Search Alert

You can set an alert at the time you save a search by selecting the notification link that appears above the search box when you save the search.

search alert location

See more detailed help at Saving and Managing Search Queries in Primo VE and Saving and Managing Alerts in Primo VE. (Primo VE is the brand name for Esearch.)

Managed Saved Records, Searches, and Search History

Sign in, then select the My Favorites (Pin) button at the top of the page:

sign in link

Then go to Saved Records, Saved Searches, or Search History to view and manage these lists:

my favorites